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10 November 2010

America: Canada, eh?

Leaving Las Vegas as quickly as possible, we headed north and up. Our first overnight on the road was a town called Twin Falls. It had a few shops and a sports bar for watching Football and not much else. On the way out the next morning we discovered where it got its name. The road out of town crossed a massive gorge, off which people apparently bungee jump all the time. Unfortunately, we were all too slow with the camera. I seem to be doing that a lot, sorry.

At the other end of the road over the gorge was Boise. The home of Boise State University, who were at the time, the 3rd ranked collage football team in the Pacific conference. The game was good, Boise won handsomely. The stadium was cold, altitude has far more effect than latitude. And the night was amazingly fun again, we met more tail-gaters, who were again very friendly and hospitable to strangers. We also found a nice brewery and pub and had some good beers.

Half way between Boise and Canada is Spokane. From the time we spent there, that is about all I can say of it. But I thought I'd mention it as a bit of a shout out to the Haywards.

The four days we spend in Vancouver were the Thursday to Sunday of the Halloween weekend. So Canada was more about drinking and partying than site-seeing. We did go for a bit of a walk around the estuary.
Science Centre and the City.

Union Station.
Everyone has a Union Station.

The sight seeing done, we got on with the serious business of getting to know the local beers and local people in Vancouver.
Steam powered clock in Gastown.
We were successful, with a brace of great pubs in Gastown, and a few locals from a nearby bar call The Irish Snug. As throughout the USA, the people were incredibly friendly. Vancouver is another of those places I could happily live, if it weren't for the suspicion that it rains most of the time and is bitterly cold in winter.

1 comment:

  1. America: always nice to read a Sceptic's view. the sum: Breweries + American Football + Science centres = GART.
