Handsome people (not) looking at the Brooklyn bridge.
I really enjoyed the Natural History Museum in NYC. Unfortunately it turns out I'm absolutely useless with a camera, so there are lots of pictures of my reflection, the camera's flash and some dark rooms. Here are a few that Photoshop (The GIMP) and I were able to save.
Top of the Rock (30 Rockefeller Centre, the NBC studios) was really just NYC showing off. Even though it was overcast, the view was breathtaking.
Turns out this blogging thing takes longer than I thought, so I'll move on to other cities later.
I did like the lions tigers and bears photo sequence. Did no-one get a picture of Robyn Williams? BTW remember you are publishing this in a public forum. The rules of grammar and punctuation apply, and should be harnessed. Take heed of the Club motto; if you can't utilise your apostrophes appropriately, then you should dodge them.