Our full day in Leipzig was very relaxed. It had to be after the madness which had gone on the night before. But the morning did start with one strange sighting.
After spending the day shopping, walking and eating pizza we returned to the hostel the long way, and found these in the street behind where we were staying.
We were pretty impressed, but that was the way our trip to Leipzig went. An hour of mundane with a splash of extraordinary. We never quite got the rhythm of the town, which was for the best, as we weren't there for very long. That evening, we went to schnitzel culture and ate a now legendary meal. Afterwards the Scoundrel and I wandered the city, taking in its strange beat as the sun went down.
We were impressed by the number of clocks on buildings, and their strange designs. When we spotted the clock with its own, life-sized bell ringers we declared it the winner.
As I've mentioned previously, Leipzig tends to claim ownership of anyone who looked at the town on a map. We found a bust of Wagner in one of the city's parks, and wondered what he was doing there.
Our last night in Leipzig was fairly uneventful. After talking toot and drinking cheap scotch with a couple of Americans, we went looking for late night kebabs, and freaking ate them. We got to bed at an hour which could be considered civilized, all energy for our trip to Hamburg. We didn't know at the time, but we would need it.
Have you found the zoom on the camera yet? Tiny silver lever located with the click button? Makes things look closer. Much closer.