The next day we went into tourist overdrive. A quick breakfast in North Beach and we hoofed it uphill to Coit Tower for a view of the bay and obligatory photos.
Obligatory view! |
Down the stairs and across the park toward the bay we stopped for a shot of the tower. The sun was in just the wrong spot for a lot of the photos we tried to take. Shots from the bottom of the hill worked out a lot better.
Better photo! |
Then began a day of buses. The first took us from downtown to the Golden Gate Park; three miles by a half mile of public parks in San Francisco. We covered a fraction of that, taking in the art museum, the tea garden and the arboretum, a bunch of fountains and the amphitheater.
Fountains, yes! Touristing to the max! |
Not that we went into any of these attractions, just cruised past at high speed and confirmed they were there, snapping photos as we went. The weather was on side; cool in the shade, warm in the sun, very dry. Across the road from the park we caught another bus straight up to the Golden Gate Bridge, which I had driven across on the last trip but never really set foot on.
Blue skies, red steel. |
The bridge was very popular with families and visitors for the holidays; it was the last Saturday before Christmas. That was important, though I didn't realise it at the time.
A change of buses at Fort Mason and we began the long crawl back to Union Square. The bus took us through Chinatown and the funky tunnel which goes under the hills of San Francisco. To be honest we could have walked faster than the bus was moving. The traffic was so heavy we began to question what was happening ahead.
The last Saturday before Christmas is, as it happens, the second-busiest shopping day of the year in the USA. There were so many people in Union Square, and on Market Street, and in the stores, and on the street corners, and just... everywhere, that I do not believe there were any people anywhere else in San Francisco.
Though I hate to exaggerate.
Ali handled the crowds better than I did, and even steered me to do a little shopping (good news Rob I got you some undies).
That night we decided to cross into SoMa and try the food and beers at the Thirsty Bear. Tapas and a tasting board was a great combination, and in particular Ali really enjoyed the Panda Bear, flavoured with vanilla beans and cocoa nibs.
Mmm beers |
The next day was street-car day. All destinations we visited were on the street-car route. Inside the Ferry Building we grabbed some coffee from Blue Bottle (good) and an Italian doughnut from a woman who was the definition of San Francisco attitude (not great).
Mum I didn't get this for you. Sorry. |
The street-car took us all the way up to Fisherman's Wharf and the weather was wonderful again.
More blue skies... |
We braved the tourists to get more photos on the bay and a little of the vitamin D we had missed so much in Portland.
Ali gettin' some sun. |
The restaurants and duck tours and other shouted invitations did nothing for us. In fact there was only one must-see for us at Fisherman's Wharf - the Sea Lions. And they were putting on a show. Hundreds of them lay across Pier 39, sunning themselves, climbing onto boats and yelling at each other. While we watched a couple chased one another in the water and leaped onto the back of a yacht.
Sea lions do not respect personal property |
The streetcar went all the way down to The Castro, where we joined the line outside Ike's Place for what we were told was the best sandwich we would ever eat. Thirty minutes in line but we were not disappointed. The food was so good we completely forgot to take a photo of it. Instead we sat in a park around the corner and enjoyed our lunch. The only mistake we had made was ordering a sandwich each. One was more than enough for two people. As it was, we wound up finishing them for dinner.
View from the Castro all the way to the Ferry Building |
A coffee (or hot-chocolate) in the Castro and we were done. Ali stopped on Market Street for a few final goes through the shops and we were all San Franciscoed out. The next day the crowds would turn out for the last ever regular-season game at Candlestick Park, but we would already be in Texas.
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