We had a bit of time to kill before we had to return Maggie to her overlords, so we went to our favourite LA
cafe for some breakfast. With a midday cutoff, we figured we had enough time to make it to one great thing before the airport. The best recommendation was for the Huntington Library. I mostly wanted to see the gardens, but there's no part of the Huntington you're allowed to see before midday; the same time we were due to drop Maggie at LAX.
Looked nice. |
Naturally, the one highway we needed to get out of Pasadena and to LAX was closed; we spent a very interesting hour with google trying to find a route which didn't take the 110. We made it an hour late, paid our fees, reported the crack in the windshield and said goodbye to Maggie. God bless her, she had taken us a long way.
Our bags were checked, our boarding passes collected, and we had 10 hours to wait until our flight boarded. Continuing our tradition of being the softest backpackers known to man, we spent our last $150 on day passes to the Admiral's Lounge. Several beers and snacks later, we were called for our flight back to Brisbane.
We left the United States of America as the date ticked over from the 18th to the 19th of November. It had been an incredible trip.